The idea of Service is fundamental to the Christian ethos of the School. Over the years the School has ensured that there were areas in which boys could learn something of the importance and nature of Service. For example, the presence of Social Service, Library and Archives Service and the Chapel Council have been the more obvious of these. Less obvious, but of no less importance, has been the Â鶹ֱ²¥ Cadet Unit, where the opportunity to serve exists in a different way. Equally, membership of the Choir and of other groups within the School provides opportunity for a boy to learn that by giving of his own talents or time, he can serve the welfare of others. There are many less formal ways in which the element of unselfishness and the idea of giving of oneself can be encouraged.

The School has developed a system of service activities conducted by Houses and Tutor Groups, namely to encourage boys to give of their own resources for the benefit of others. These include ‘Rough Edges’, Daffodil day, Balmoral Burn, Red Shield Appeal, World Vision child sponsorship, Anglicare Christmas appeal, Legacy and links with underprivileged schools overseas.

Houses and Tutor Groups are encouraged to set targets and to give to them. This meets the notion of Christian charity expressed through the giving of one's own resources.

The essential logic behind this is that a boy should give of himself and should go without something in so doing. Such giving should be meaningful, and one is reminded of the parable of the Widow's mite (Mark Ch. 12 v 42 "..she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living."

Year 10 Fisher Road and Broderick Gillawarna Visits

Since 2006, Year 10 boys have travelled one day a week for five weeks during term time to assist at schools for students with intellectual disabilities. This is coordinated by the Special Duties Master and boys have found this to be a most inspirational and educative way of discovering more about themselves and the community in which they live.

Please visit the Service Learning Camps page to see what Â鶹ֱ²¥ offers.