Student Leaders

1st Batch of Sub Prefects - 2023

In Chapel on Wednesday 12 October 2022, the 1st Batch of Sub Prefects for 2023 were inducted by the Headmaster. We congratulate these young men on their appointment and wish them well with their added duties and responsibilities.

First Batch Prefects 2023  

Front Row (L-R): George Chen, Luke Chopra, Dominik Mautner, Dr John Collier, Lachlan Mah-Chut, Sam Litchfield, Hugo Orpin 
Back Row (L-R): Justin Gao, Jesse Cochrane, Angus Holliday, Tom Galligan, Tom Hebblewhite, Lachlan Hunt, Finn Baxter


Opportunities for Leadership

All boys at Â鶹ֱ²¥ have many opportunities to take responsibility and positions of leadership in games, co-curricular activities and in the classroom. Many of these positions are formally recognised but leadership in many forms is encouraged and recognised at Â鶹ֱ²¥. Within the House system, all boys will be given the opportunity to learn and develop their leadership skills, most of these resulting in formal appointments within the House or the School by Year 12.

School Prefects

The School firmly believes in the value of training senior boys to accept responsibility and then allowing them to use that responsibility to serve the School in a proper and controlled way. The Headmaster appoints all office bearers after long and careful consideration and consultation. Appointments occur according to school needs and perceived performance or capacity in a boy.

School Prefects will be appointed in two batches, the first at the start of Term IV and another at the start of Term I the following year. Initial appointees to these positions are called Sub-Prefects. The following year, Sub-Prefects who have performed exceptionally well, including the Senior and Second Prefect are appointed and inducted as full prefects of the School. There may, in some years, be later appointments in a third or possibly fourth batch. The Senior Prefect and Second Prefect (School Captain and Vice Captain) are chosen during Term IV and appointed / inducted early in Term I.

At their induction in the School Chapel, Prefects make a promise, "To keep up the good name of the School both by my own example and by my influence over others".

House Captains and Vice-Captains

Boys are nominated for these positions at the end of Term III by Housemasters and are appointed by the Headmaster. They are inducted at the beginning of Term IV and hold office until the end of Term III the following year.

House Captains and Vice-Captains are responsible for the leadership of their Houses. This will include conducting House meetings, taking responsibility for the tidiness of House areas and the appearance of boys in their House, a pastoral oversight of the boys in the House and liaising with the Housemaster about any concerns of boys in the House.

House Seniors

House Seniors will be appointed from Term IV by the Housemaster from boys in the House and will be inducted in House Meetings during Term IV. As well as having specific pastoral responsibilities for the boys in the House, House Prefects will bear responsibilities for the smooth running of the House as delegated by the Housemaster. eg. organisation of House events, charity drives etc.


Prefects and House Captains/Vice Captains and House Seniors are appointed to perform certain duties and to provide leadership in the School. This system is regarded as a most important means to provide training in leadership for a significant number of boys. Further opportunities for that training exist in the holding of rank in the Cadet Units, the captaincy of games teams, leadership positions in Debating, Music and the various clubs and societies in the School.

Desired Qualities

The notion of service to the community
A commissioning for duty
Taking on challenges
Undergoing training
Having empathy
Resisting temptation
Proclaiming standards
Making public a willingness to abide by those standards
Taking action to uphold standards and lead others
Setting the example
Saying “follow me” and earning respect


Developing a sense of responsibility for others and the skills needed to exercise that responsibility.
Develop role models for the younger boys
Identify and nurture gifted leaders
Implementation of the School’s values and beliefs
Putting others before self
Create in our boys compassion, honesty, courage, integrity
Create young men who base their leadership on a clearly defined and compassionate moral code
Have boys who display a sense of courage, not only to stand up for what they believe but also to admit their faults (honesty and humility)
To have an understanding of the qualities of good leadership so that they might respect those in leadership positions as well as exercise those qualities themselves
To promote group discipline at school, by having a positive influence over others
To have students who leave Â鶹ֱ²¥ to become leaders in the community, if not in a leadership position then by being a positive influence over others.